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Lifting of Fouling

In the section where High Salinity (HS) solution touches membrane, the permeate is changing direction and it moves from the low pressure permeate channel to the high pressure feed channel, lifting up the fouling and/or scaling components from the membrane feed surface. The permeate moves against the gauge pressure gradient.
The high salinity solution with foulants lifted up from the membrane surface, moves in the pressure vessel like purifier wave in the direction towards the brine outlet with growing velocity.

These growing velocities takes place due to of permeate non-production, and on the contrary, permeate up suction in those places where the HS solution moves. Combination of feed-brine increased velocity with permeate lifting up velocity provide strong cleaning effect. The osmosis pressure of the high salinity solution decreases on its way, however remains strong enough to create back permeate flow and lift foulants until it reaches the end of the pressure vessel.

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